Stop Wasting Your Time

Craig Jarrow

You spend your day doing unnecessary activities. Then, you wish you could have that time back. We are all guilty of this at some point. Where are you going to waste time today? Where Is Your Time Wasted? We all have the same amount of time in the day. It all comes down to how your chose to spend yours. Avoiding time-wasting activities can make all the difference. What frivolous and silly ways do you waste time during your day?

Here are 29 Ways You’re Wasting Your Time Today:

  1. Complaining. No one gets what they want by whining. Instead, try asking.
  2. Commuting during rush hour. Time-shift your drive for less traffic.
  3. Gossiping. It never gets the work done.
  4. Doing other people’s work. Do your work first.
  5. Watching TV. No one ever accomplished their goals by sitting on the couch.
  6. Hanging out with negative people. Be careful, attitude is contagious.
  7. Procrastinating. Action now always beats inaction.
  8. Indecision. Make decisions or life will make them for you.
  9. Reading the news. Go on a media diet.
  10. Antagonizing others. If you don’t have something nice to say…
  11. Playing video games. Angry Birds doesn’t get work done. Neither does Words with Friends.
  12. Eating junk food. Do something active and get your body in motion.
  13. Making empty promises. Stop saying what you’re not going to do.
  14. Waiting for something to happen. Go out and make it happen.
  15. Attending unnecessary meetings. Practice the “Right to Decline” unneeded meetings.
  16. Reading Email. Only check it 3 times a day. Morning, noon, end of day.
  17. Answering the phone. Remember, your phone is there for your convenience.
  18. Playing Email Ping-Pong. Avoid the back-and-forth, go talk to someone.
  19. Not putting things away. You’ll have to look for them later.
  20. Surfing the web endlessly. One thing winstrol depot injection leads to another…
  21. Constantly updating your social media status. No one needs to know what you are eating for lunch.
  22. Not capturing ideas. Where did you write down that million dollar idea?
  23. Fighting with others. Agree to disagree, but skip the fight.
  24. Reading the tabloids. Do you need to know which celeb got arrested this week?
  25. Looking for things you misplaced. Make sure you have a place for your stuff.
  26. Letting email notifications interrupt your day. Turn off those pop-ups!
  27. Piling instead of filing. Piles are not organization.
  28. Not looking at your todo list. You wrote that task down, but you didn’t look at your list.
  29. Solving the same problems, again. Make sure you document solutions so you have them down the road.

What Shouldn’t You Do Today?

Sometimes it’s not what you do, but what you stop doing. Protect your day from these time-wasters. You just might have a little more time in your day.

21 Things That Others Don’t Do

If you want to get ahead, there is not a shortcut or secret. However, one place to start is to do the things that successful people do. The things that other people don’t or won’t do.

Here are “21 Things That Others Don’t Do…”

  1. Get Up Early – Not enough time in your day? Get up earlier. Starting your day before others do, empowers you to get more done while others are sleeping. You will soon find that you accomplish before the day begins than most people do all day.
  2. Prepare for Your Day – Head into your day prepared. Do your homework. Prepare for the events of your day whether it is school, your job, or even having fun.
  3. Exercise– Too many people say that they want to workout, but few do. Do some sort of physical activity each and every day. Keeping your body in shape, motivates your mind and productivity.
  4. Finish Ahead of Deadlines – It seems that our society had become numb to the concept of deadlines. However, to avoid lost opportunities, penalties, and other life friction, ensure that you finish ahead of deadlines whether for a simple task, a bill, or a major project.
  5. Have Goals – Successful people have goals. There has been a rising trend lately, to “not have goals.” All this ensures is that you won’t fail because you haven’t tried to attain anything. Instead of going wherever life takes you, set goals and choose your own path.
  6. Take Chances – No one ever won by sitting in their comfort zone. You have to get up and get out. You have to be willing to take risks… sometimes big, sometimes small. Only going outside our boundaries can we grow.
  7. Don’t Complain – Complaining is a waste of time. It is procrastination in disguise. Instead of whining about something, do something about it.
  8. Dream Big – Many people dream too small. Think big… then dream bigger! Push yourself to even higher levels than you thought possible. We are all stronger than we think.
  9. Have a Hobby – All work and no play doesn’t do the body or mind good. Have a hobby and let your passion breathe energy into all areas of your life. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it drives you.
  10. Learn New Things – Many stop learning the day they leave school. Successful people are lifelong learners. Never pass up the chance to learn a new fact or a new skill.
  11. Say No – The ability to “say no” is an important skill. Many think that winners always “say yes,” but in reality they are very choosy in their endeavors. They know when to pass up something that is not a priority.
  12. Defend Your Time – You can get more money. You can get a new job. (You can even get new friends.) However, you can never get more time. And you never truly know how much you have left. Defend your time, it is your greatest asset.
  13. Do it Today – You are your habits. And your habits are what you do today and every day. Don’t put off good intentions or actions until tomorrow.
  14. Help Others – Never underestimate the power of helping others. Life is often a team sport, and you never know when your teammates will be there to support you. Always be there for them.
  15. Make Decisions -Don’t be shy with decisions. Most people don’t make them, and life ultimately decides for them. Choose deliberately. Don’t fear the bad decision. You learn from them and there are few decisions in life where you can’t change your mind later.
  16. Learn From Your Mistakes – Take chances, make decisions… even make mistakes sometimes. Just ensure that you learn from them. Every mistake should lead to new wisdom. Don’t repeat lessons.
  17. Make Your Own Luck – Don’t wait for things to come to you. Go out and get them. The winners in life did not wait for things to be delivered to them. They made their own luck.
  18. Listen – Sometimes you need to stop and just listen. If you rush through life, you will miss the important things. What people are trying to tell you… both good and bad. And of course, listen even harder with friends and the ones you love.
  19. Change Yourself – Most people don’t change. They might grow older, grow bigger, but they often stay the same person. The most powerful people are those who can change themselves. (See #3, 6, 10, and 16.)
  20. Do The Work – There is no shortcut to success. You have to do the work. You have to do the practice. You have to spend the time on the things that you want to accomplish.
  21. Don’t Quit – A final word, never quit. Too many people quit just short, even in sight, of their dreams. Almost as if they don’t really want to get there. Winners keep going after the quitters have given up.

Do What Others Do Not

If you want to get ahead, you must do what others do not. Results don’t just happen, they are the outcome of hard work. Do you want to accomplish what others do not? Then, do the things that others don’t do.

At Positive Psychology and Educational Consult, we are ready to help you to navigate your life. Contact us today. We are available online 24/7. 

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