Bryophyllum Pinnatum – Ewe Abamoda


Bryophyllum pinnatum is a fleshy herb growing up 120cm in the family crassulaceae.The leaves are simple or trifoliolate with petioles. They are green with purple serrated margins which are capable of producing new plants vegetatively when it falls to the ground. The flowers are dropping in lax panicles with an inflated tubular calyx. It is native to Madagascar. It is a valuable medicinal as well as ornamental plant. It is called Abamoda in Yoruba. It is popularly called miracle leaf, life plant and never die.

Other names include:

Life plant, miracle leaf, air plant, cathedral leaf.

Tree of life

Other names of Bryophyllum pinnatum

Cathedral Bells

Goodluck leaves

Africa never die

Kalanchoe Pinnata

Wonder of the world

Miracle plant

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Sacred plant

Resurrection plant

Yorubas call it Ewe abamoda.

Hausa people call it shuka Hamlin ka or Masallachi

Igbos call it Oda opue

‘Wonder of the World’ also known as Miracle Leaf and Life Plant (Botanical name- Bryophyllum pinnatum) is a succulent perennial herb, which grows up to 1m- 2m in height. The stems are thick, flexible and short and the flowers are pink, white or purple in colour. It forms a cymose panicle. Dried carrot like tuberous root is most important part of Patharchur. This is a branched aromatic herb. The nodes are often hairy in some species. It is grown in the garden for ornamental purposes but did you know it’s also a natural healer?

The rhizome of this plant can be used as a preventive of the kidney stone or for the treatment of this. Tubers in India are eaten as a condiment.

Research efforts

 Bryophyllum pinnatum (S. Kurz) is a fleshy shrub, which grows 2-4 feet tall. The plant, which belongs to the family Crassulaceae is widely grown in the region for ornamental and medicinal uses (Burkill, 1985). The English name is never die or resurrection plant. It is called abamoda by the Yoruba tribe of Southwestern Nigeria where it is used in traditional treatment of several ailments including stomach upset (Iwu, 1993). In Sierra Leone, a cough medicine is made from the roots while in Ivory Coast, the root sap is taken by the draught for attacks of epilepsy. In Congo, leaf sap is given to children to relief convulsion and epilepsy. The Shien of Ivory Coast take a decoction of the whole plant as a febrifuge and tranquillizer as well as for refractory cough. In Ghana the leaves of the plant are rubbed on the head and inserted in the nostrils to relief headache. Curative and analgesic actions are also claimed for the plant (Iwu, 1993). It has been reported that a decoction of the leaves is taken in West Indies for the treatment of arthritis and to clean the bladder (Seaforth et al., 1983). The plant is listed by Wong for the treatment of earache and in ophthalmic and the poultice used for sprains, dysmenorrhea and cold in the head (Wong, 1976). Topical application of the plant extract is used for the treatment of external ulcers and burns (Wong, 1976).

Pharmacological studies on it reported several biological activities, some of which could authenticate the plant’s traditional uses including immunomodulatory, CNS depressant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-tumour, anti-ulcer, insecticidal, anti-diabetic, anti-convulsant, antioxidant and anti-hypertensive properties. Studies have also reported a wide range of active phytochemicals such as alkaloids, triterpenes, glycosides flavonoids,steroids, bufadienolides, lipids and organic acids. These compounds have been considered to be responsible for the plant’s diverse pharmacological activities.. The effect of Bryophyllum pinnatum leaves extract on indomethacin induced gastric ulceration was determined using 25 male albino rats. Animals were divided into 5 groups of 5 animals each. The control group received 0.5 mL of distilled water and varying doses of the extract were used for the remaining groups (10-40 mg kg-1 body weight). The result showed a significant reduction (p<0.05) in incidence of ulceration and mean basal and histamine (1 mg kg-1) stimulated gastric acid secretion in a dose dependent manner thus justifying the use of Bryophyllum pinnatum as an anti-ulcer agent in folklore medicine (Adesanwo, et. al. 2007) .

Benefits of Bryophyllum pinnatum

1. It helps treats bloody diarrhoea:

Bloody diarrhea occurs when blood is mixed with watery stool. The bleeding can be caused by injury from the mouth of the anus. To treat this condition, squeeze out the juice from a sizeable amount of leaves (20 leaves) mix with ghee. Let the patient take it twice a day, the blood will stop eventually after a few days.

2. It treats vaginal discharge:

Vaginal discharge or leucorrhea is a thick yellowish vaginal discharge that is by Estrogen imbalance in the body. If there is a vaginal infection the discharge increase; this discharge may dry up only to show up after some time.

To treat this condition, squeeze out the juice from the leaves and give to the patient twice daily. Bryophyllum pinnatum, or never die leaf, has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that would handle this condition in within a week of regular administration.

3.   It is good for the liver:

The anti-hepatitis properties of bryophyllum pinnatum are enormous, it keeps the liver in optimal condition. It cures jaundice fast and is beneficial in the treatment of hepatitis.

4.   Reduces swelling:

When a poultice of bryophyllum pinnatum is applied to any swelling in the body, its anti-inflammatory properties will significantly reduce the swelling. It becomes more effective when the juice is taken alongside placing the poultice on the swelling.

5. Treatment of Stomach Ulcer:

Cut a leaf and wash it. Look for like six pieces of fried groundnut from which its thin brown cover has not been removed. Put it inside the already-clean leaf and put it in your mouth. Chew it together very well and swallow it. Repeat this every morning on empty stomach until you are completely healed. This Remedy is very effective.

6.  Ewe Abamoda for diabetes

Ewe Abamoda lowers blood sugar and helps to regulate its control. Diabetes is best controlled with diet

7.  Abamoda leaf for high blood pressure

Preparations of ewe abamoda lowers blood pressure so discuss with your doctor if you are already on orthodox anti-hypertensive medications.

Other medicinal properties and health benefits of ewe abamoda

Bryophyllum pinnatum (leaf of life plant) is carminative, for the treatment of diarrhea and vomiting, earache, burns, abscesses, gastric ulcers, insect bites, and lithiasis. The juice from fresh leaves is used to treat smallpox, otitis, cough, asthma, palpitations, headaches, convulsions, and general debility. The plant has also been employed for the treatment of edema of the legs. Ewe Abamoda powdered leaf is used for wound dressing.

The plant has hepatoprotective (protects the liver) activity and is also used to increase vascular integrity.

Bryophyllum pinnatum can reduce fever and does provide anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxant effects. Its anti-inflammatory effects have been partially attributed to its immunomodulatory and immune suppressant effects. Leaf juice is used in the treatment of coughs, bronchial affections, blood dysentery, jaundice, and gout infections.


How to use ewe abamoda for arthritis

Massage of the joints with herbal preparations of ewe abamoda helps relief pain and joint swelling.

How to use abamoda leaf for cough

Mixture of abamoda leaf and palm oil with bitter kola cures cough and acts as an expectorant.

· Treats Kidney stones: In case of kidney stones, give 40-50 ml decoction of whole plant twice a day. You can also give the decoction with 500 mg and 2 gm of honey mixed in it. Give this twice a day, it cures bile stone easily.

· Useful in Urinary Disorders: Give 5 ml juice of its leaves to the patient suffering from thirst and any disorder related to urinary system. It is a very good and effective cure. In cases of urine related disorders in men, give 40-60 ml of its decoction with 2 grams of honey mixed in it. Give this twice a day.

· Helpful in Boils: Slightly warm its leaves and crush them. Tie it as a poultice on the affected area. It cures boils, redness, and swelling too.

· For hypertension, Give 5–10 drops of the extract of its aerial parts. It is beneficial in controlling blood pressure.

· Curbs Leukemia: Give 5-10 drops of the extract of its aerial part, twice a day. It is beneficial in blood cancer.

· For Vaginal disorders: In case of vaginal flow in women, give 40-60 ml decoction with 2 gm. honey mixed in it. Give this twice a day.

· Treats Headache: Crush its leaves and apply on the forehead. It cures headache.

· Aids in Eye pain: Extract the juice of its leaves and apply all around the eyes. It cures pain in the white part of eyes.

· Treatment for Wounds: Slightly warm the leaves and then crush them and tie on the wound. It helps the wound heal faster and also eliminates the scar.

· Cures bleeding diarrhea: Give 3-6 gm. juice of its leaves with cumin seeds and double amount of ghee mixed in it. Give this to the patient thrice a day. It controls the blood flow in diarrhea.

· Manage leucorrhoea: For women who suffer from leucorrhoea ailment, use the decoction of the leaves twice daily. It helps delay the flow of blood within the blood vessels.

· Treat piles at home: Drink the extract of the leaves twice daily to get an effective cure for piles.

· Good for the liver: Bryophyllum pinnatum promotes the health of the liver. You can cure jaundice fast.

· Treat ear pain: Get a fast cure for your ear pain by applying the juice of the leaves.

· Cure boils: Crush a few leaves and form a poultice. Apply this on the boils. You can use this on redness and swelling of the skin.

· Helps heart health: It improves the health of the heart.

· Treat colds and coughs: For common cold and coughs, the juice of the leaves along with sugar candy will help. This can help people suffering from asthma also.

· Anti-inflammatory property: By applying the paste of the leaves on the place of the swelling, you can reduce it significantly.

· Relieves stomach ache : If you have a stomach ache, you can get relief by having the decoction of the leaves.

· Diuretic action: You can cure urinary disorders with the juice of the Bryophyllum pinnatum leaf. This is good for curing excessive thirst. Drink a potion of 40-60 ml every day in the morning and evening.

· Teething problems: Babies who are cutting their first teeth will have relief from the pain.

· Anthelmintic action: Bryophyllum pinnatum helps remove worms in the intestine effectively. Have the decoction of the leaves twice a day with honey.

· Antipyretic property: If you have a fever, the miracle leaf will help relieve your symptoms.

· Corrects dysentery: Have the leaf extract with honey to get relief from dysentery.

· Helps with weight management: You can lose weight by using the Bryophyllum pinnatum leaves.

· Prevents grey hair: Regular use of the miracle leaf will help prevent the greying of hair. It promotes the health of the scalp too.

· Good anti-oxidant property: Make tea with the dried leaves and have it twice or thrice a day. This will help you fight free radicals better.

· Helpful for diabetics: Control your diabetes with the Bryophyllum pinnatum leaves. Have the decoction twice every day and see your blood sugar levels drop significantly.

· Cures constipation: You can get relief from your constipation by having the tea made from the dried powder of the Bryophyllum pinnatum.

· Purifies blood: Miracle leaf has a purifying action on the blood. It removes the toxins and helps improve your health.

· Juice for chest cold: Warm 3 leaves and juice them. This should yield 2-3 tablespoons of leaf of life juice. Add a pinch of salt. Take one tablespoon three times a day for as long as needed.

· Poultice for skin ulcer, sprains and insect stings:

Grind 7 fresh leaves into a poultice. Apply the poultice evenly to the affected area. Apply a fresh poultice twice a day, morning and night, as often as needed.

· Pounded leaves are applied as poultices to the soles of the feet to stop hemorrhages.

· Leaves are used as topical in dislocation, ecchymoses, callosities.

· It is widely used as an herbal remedy for many different types of ailments, especially bronchial conditions.

· An herbal tea made from this herb is useful to treat conditions such as shortness of breath, kidney failure, menstrual problems, asthma, coughs, bronchitis, and chest cold.

· Crushed medicinal leaves of this herb will bring relief from insect bites, bruises, boils, and also skin ulcers.

· Poultice of the crushed leaves can also be applied to the outer body for sprains, pains, as well earaches.

· Placing the back of the leaves on open sores, cuts and wounds will promote healing, stop bleeding, as prevent infection.

· Stem as well as the leaves can be placed in water and taken daily to rid the body of mucous and waste matter.

· Fresh leaves of leaf of life can also be eaten raw as a medicinal remedy for asthma, bronchitis and intestinal problems.

· Leaf extract is taken on an empty stomach for treatment of urinary bladder stones and fever in children in Arunachal Pradesh.

To make an easy and quick cup of leaf of life tea:

· Bring one cup of water to boil then add 3 leaves of life leaves; let simmer for 3 minutes.

· Remove from heat and allow it to simmer for 2 to 3 minutes.

· Remove leaves from the tea, pour in cup and sweeten with 1 to 2 teaspoons of organic honey.

If you are making more than one cup, increase serving size of boiling water and amount of leaves added.


Patients under ‘Aspirin’ medication should take care to take the decoction or fresh juice of the Bryophyllum pinnatum, as it may interact with or reduce the efficacy of Aspirin.

The wonder of the world should not be consumed during pregnancy.

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Side Effects

Most commonly reported side effects include allergy, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and nausea. Excessive use could lead to kidney and liver injury.


J.K. Adesanwo, Y. Raji, S.B. Olaleye, S.A. Onasanwo, O.O. Fadare, O.O. Ige and O.O. Odusanya, 2007. Antiulcer Activity of Methanolic Extract of Bryophyllum pinnatum in Rats. Journal of Biological Sciences, 7: 409-412.

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4 Replies to “Bryophyllum Pinnatum – Ewe Abamoda”

  1. Thank you very much for the comprehensive education on miracle leaf.
    Please, how long can one take it to cure stomach ulcers
    If you already have grey hair, can you use it to darken it and how, for how long?
    Thank you.

    1. To manage ulcer, you can take the regimen for 7 to 10 days.For treatment of grey hair, take one tablespoon of the miracle drink and consume it an hour before each meal. Try consuming the concoction thrice a day, at least. Drink this for three months to get the best results. This could work for individuals who have grey hair and are less than 55 years old. Read more >>>

  2. Thanks for the explanations. Please how can one use it to cure pylelonephritis. For how long can one use it. Thanks

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