Inverclyde dubbed ‘Twinverclyde’ as 17 sets of twins prepare to start school

schools very simple card trick in Inverclyde will welcome 17 sets of twins next Friday. The only other time more twins started school in the region was in 2015, when 19 sets of twins started primary school.

A Scottish local authority colloquially known as “Twinverclyde” is bracing itself for the second-largest number of twins on record starting primary school next week.

Schools in Inverclyde will welcome 17 sets of twins next Friday.

The only other time more twins started school in the region was in 2015, when 19 sets of twins started primary school.

On Friday, the majority of the 2023 class gathered at St Patrick’s Primary School in Greenock for a dress rehearsal ahead of their first day.

Most of the youngsters were present with 15 of the 17 sets of twins in attendance.

St Patrick’s, along with Ardgowan Primary, is one of two schools in Inverclyde taking in the most pairs of twins, with three sets each joining their respective primary one classes.

The class of 2023 will take the Inverclyde twin count to 147 sets since 2013 – an average of 13 sets each year.

Graeme Brooks, depute provost of Inverclyde Council, said: “It has become an annual tradition in Inverclyde, or Twinverclyde as we’ve become known, to welcome our twins into primary one.

“Excitement is definitely building for the start of the new term next week and what better way to look forward to that than seeing the pupils here looking resplendent in their uniforms.

“It’s also a good bit of fun for parents too – and a handy dress rehearsal ahead of the real thing next Friday.

“We’re lucky to have so many incredible schools here in Inverclyde with every one renewed or extensively refurbished, including St Patrick’s which was rebuilt and opened in 2016, thanks to the council’s unprecedented quarter billion (£250,000,000) investment in our schools estate.

“But schools are nothing without the children, staff and families who make them and it’s great to see some of the next generation coming through here today and I wish them all the very best as they embark on the next stage of their education journey.”

The above event is not the only one. In 2016, Independent news reported primary teachers will be preparing for double trouble this week as 15 sets of twins start school in one local area of Scotland.

When a new term starts this Wednesday in Inverclyde, there will be over 80 sets of twins in primary schools across the region.

Locals have been left wondering whether there is “something in the water” after a record 19 pairs enrolled last year.

“We seem to have an ever-increasing number of twins starting school, although it has scaled back slightly this year,” said Terry Loughran, convener of education at Inverclyde Council.

“It’s a really exciting time for them, and for parents too, although it can occasionally provide a challenge for teachers identifying who’s who as traditionally we would have the twins in the same class.

“It’s a lot of fun. They are here to learn and we’re going to give them a great education.”

Sara Goyal, 38, is mother to Charlotte and Morgan, aged five, who will start at Inverkip Primary.

She said: “They are very excited – we’ve had a countdown on the fridge all summer and they’re really looking forward to it.

“They will be in the same class. They asked my opinion and although they get on very well they aren’t so close that I thought it would be a problem for them to be taught together.

“They’ve got enough change coming this week that it will be good for them to have some familiarity.

She added: “It’s so interesting to see all the different personalities here today.

“With my own twins, one is exuberant and one is quite quiet, and it seems to be the same with the others.”

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