Developing Positive Mental Attitude Via a Worry-free Life

Carefree life is not a careless life! Having carefree attitude sometimes is misunderstood as ‘enjoy the life and forget what bad has happened’. This is in fact not true. IT SIMPLY MEANS ‘HAVING EASY-GOING WAY OF TACKLING THINGS’. This emphasizes that pressures should be pushed ahead for better times to be negotiated, if they continue rankling. ‘Life is basically not an easy phenomenon. Probability erodes it very fast if one is not ready to cope with difficult situations. I will give an example. On my payday, I have to do so many important chores and errands including some important payments (we suppose)’ Sohail Ahmed – A philosophical psychologist enthused.

By Declan OFlaherty and Whyte Queen

People seem to spend more time than ever worrying. If you feel like stress rules your life, you can learn to relax actively and start living your life, instead of enduring it. Living carefree means enjoying a life where these worries do not overwhelm you. Learn how to get active, manage your stress, and stay carefree. We live in a society which continually foster anxiety and the result is that today’s anxiety has become a widespread problem. We worry about trivial things and become anxious easily. Anxiety can be detrimental to our well being. Mind and body are intertwined and there are serious consequences if we become too obsessed with mundane things, which may or may not happen but cause us to be sleepless and restless. Therefore, it is important to be aware of our mental status and monitor our thoughts periodically to see if these thoughts are leading to anxiety. The source of anxiety lies within our thought process and it is such an automatic process that sometimes we are not even aware of it, but it definitely triggers anxiety and restlessness. Worrier type people would imagine all sorts of scenarios in a given situation and jump to conclusion about events, people they interact with, and situations they are confronted with.

How do we cultivate an attitude which promotes happiness and make us worry free?

Keep your work time and fun time separate

Life doesn’t have to be a slog. If you want to figure out how to be more carefree in your daily life, it’s important to make time for fun and to keep it. Most people schedule their day around work or school. It’s unavoidable for most of us. In the same way dianabol concerns discussed you schedule this time, schedule time for the things you want to do as well. As you get busier, it can be too easy to use the free time you have to do nothing. Cue up the Netflix. Instead, start actively planning out leisure activities. Schedule in a fishing trip for next weekend, or book reservations to take your partner on a date. Make a point of making time for fun.

Socialize with fun people

Surround yourself with people that you enjoy being around, and who make your life easier and more fun, as opposed to more stressful. If you want to be carefree, it’s important to be around people who have common goals. Social time should be easy, not a chore. Don’t let “downers” drag you down with them. Only make a point of socializing with people who will support each other and who want to have a good time with the time you have. This kind of attitude is infectious.

Turn chores into adventures

Even mundane things like shopping, driving, and going to work should be causes for celebration in a carefree life. If you’re going out and doing something, treat it like the biggest adventure that you’ll have today. If you can’t spend today scuba diving in Hawaii, at least you can spend it adventuring on public transportation!
Heading out to the grocery store? Give yourself a little challenge.
Decide that you’ll take five pictures of ridiculous things that you see on your walk and text them to people in your phone you haven’t talked to in forever. Just send them the picture and say, “Reminded me of you.” Stuck in the house cleaning? Blast the music and do a Risky Business dance routine, or give yourself the challenge of rearranging the whole house, just because.

Go outside more

Some studies show that increasing the amount of natural Vitamin D you get from sunlight can boost your serotonin levels, helping you to feel less stressed and more carefree. Even if you don’t have any particular reason to be outside, make a point of getting out in the sun and breathing the air for 15 or 20 minutes each day. This can do wonders for your mood. It’s hard to be carefree when you’re sitting around watching television and doing nothing. Don’t trap yourself inside if you don’t need do. Get outside and get active.


Light exercise can induce a feeling of euphoria, improving
your mood and helping you feel much more carefree. Sometimes
called “runner’s high,” the exercise effect is a documented psychological phenomena. If you want to help yourself feel more carefree, try finding a regular exercise routine that works with your life. You don’t have to go jumping into a marathon. Just try going on a 30-40 minute walk at a brisk pace after you get done working for the day, or start out your day with a walk before you settle in. Find competitive team sports that you enjoy, so you can have the thrill of competition and of socializing with some people aside from the benefits of exercise.

Spend some time doing nothing

Every now and then, life calls for some serious leisure. If you want to be truly carefree, take the time to treat yourself. Just sit in the sun in the middle of the day with a cold drink. Don’t let anyone bother you. Read your book on the couch with a hot cup
of tea. Book a spa day. Just relax.

Identify your stressors

Get out a piece of paper and write down everything that causes you to feel stress, or to feel overwhelmed. What people, places, and situations make you feel anxious? Try to be as comprehensive as possible, considering the times in your daily life that you feel like you can’t be carefree. Who causes you to feel stressed out? A particular friend? A partner? A coworker? Try to cut as many of these stress-causers from your life as possible. If you can’t, avoid them.

Stay ahead of your stress

Once you’ve identified the things that cause you to feel stressed out, Try to anticipate those situations and causes so you can avoid them if possible, and expect them if unavoidable. Everyone has to deal with stress as a part of their life. But if you can figure out a way to put stress in the back seat, you can be a lot more carefree. If you’re headed into a busy day at work, you know it’s going to be busy. Expect nothing less. That doesn’t mean you have to feel stressed because of it. Just focus on getting through the day and getting finished. Try doing a short ritual with your stress list to Try to let it go. Tear it up. Look over your big stress causes one last time, then rip it into little pieces, or toss it into the fireplaces, or just throw it in the garbage. Or, alternatively, keep it with you in your pocket so you can remind yourself to stay ahead of things.

Stay ahead of your anger

When someone annoys you or is in a bad mood, the best thing to do isn’t to walk away, it is to be the better person and remain polite. Conversations aren’t about “winning” or “losing,” they’re about connecting with people. Eventually, this will become second nature, and you’ll feel a lot lighter and better about yourself. If you feel yourself getting angry when you’re provoked, just try the 10 second rule. Stop talking and just breathe for a full 10 seconds. If they stare at you, then stare. When you speak, say in a calm, even voice, “I don’t want to get upset about this. Maybe we should talk another time.”

Stop worrying about what other people think

Remember that the only person you need to impress is yourself. Friends may come and go, but you will always have who you are. If people are telling you to change how you are, they aren’t important enough to you for you to take their opinion into account. Be willing to listen when your friends offer good advice, however. If your close friends and trusted family members are telling you to change by stopping a bad habit, that is a different thing altogether.

Love how you look

That doesn’t mean going to the hair salon or buying that ridiculously expensive pair of shoes. If you want to be carefree, learn to accept that you look a certain way and love that. You are
a unique individual and one of your gifts is your unique appearance. If you are a bit larger than “normal,” you can either accept that and know that you look fine or work out and get skinnier. If you’re tall, don’t look at how awful it is to be tall, look at the good things, like reaching the higher shelves and seeing over everyone’s heads in a crowd.

Do things because you want to do them

If you decide to do something because you want to do it, you’ll be able to stay a lot more carefree about the task itself. If you feel like you’re forced into your job, or that you’re forced to have to go to the gym, those things will become chores. If you treat them as opportunities, they’ll be fun. Make the choice to do them. Changing your attitude doesn’t have to be complicated, or require a lot of complex psychology. If you want to do something, do it. If you don’t, find a way to make it work for you, or cut it from your life. Sometimes it’s that simple

Hate your job? Quit and get another one. Sick of the town you live in? Move. If something isn’t supporting you or helping you live a happy, carefree life, make a change.

Make yourself smile and laugh regularly

It may sound silly, but you will feel so much happier when you smile widely at a friend or a random stranger and they smile back. You will feel a lot lighter if you laugh as well. Laugh at whatever you find funny, even if the people around you don’t see the humor. Being carefree doesn’t mean you should be a laughing fool. Taking a funeral or a memorial service lightly isn’t appropriate. It’s still important to stay tactful.

Take things less seriously

Just look out the window and you’ll likely see something ridiculous. You’re a human who lives in a little box plugged into a computer box. Someone walking dogs around the neighborhood and picking up their poop and carrying it with them. How weird! Try to remember that life should be something to laugh at, and
something to appreciate. It’s not something to endure.

Think about the future, don’t focus on the past

Worrying about your past mistakes will leave you stressed. Instead, embrace the potential of your life. Who cares if people don’t like the you? You can change over time and become a new person or find new friends. You could move to another country and within 10 years you would have new friends and think in a new language, you would be a new person. Anything can happen.

Tips on Positive Mental Attitude for a Carefree Life

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

For years I lived an uneventful existence. I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t unhappy either. I was just sort of stuck.

I had a good career, earned lots of money, and I had great friends and a loving family. You would think that this doesn’t sound too bad, but I felt unfulfilled and unmotivated. I repeatedly lived each day like the one before.

I looked around me and saw that everybody within my own circle of friends, relatives, and immediate family were no different. They too seemed stuck. They seemed unmotivated—like they were living their lives on automatic pilot.

I began to question why this was. Why do so many people just accept this pattern as normal, as if this is the way it is supposed to be?

I read hundreds of books on philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. I continued with this for a couple of years until I gradually I began to see things with greater clarity. I began to wake up. Then one day, out of the blue it just hit me, like a ton of bricks.

The key to unlocking my prison door was not contained in any books I read (although they did help me somewhat). It was in my ability to accept what “is” in this moment. So I now I make that choice.

Here are eight tips to help you make that choice:

1. Remember that you are powerful.

Most of the time we have no idea what we are supposed to be doing, or who we are supposed to be imitating. I say “imitating” because this is what we do: We conform to the external environment.

We play roles and cover up our true selves by identifying with “things” that end up defining who we think we are. I’m a doctor, a salesperson, a secretary, a lawyer; I’m sad, happy, lonely, or miserable. I’m angryjealous, afraid, and I can’t help it—it’s who I am.

The truth is, though, we are none of those things. They are symptoms of the sleepwalking disease. You are more important than any label. We are not our professions. We are not our feelings. We are not our circumstances. We are not even our mind.

What we are is far greater, far superior, far more important, and far more mysterious than our conceptual mind tries to define. This is why we are far more powerful than we think we are.

2. Choose to embrace life.

Let go and embrace the moment, whether it contains an obstacle or an opportunity. Stop fussing over trivial matters and start focusing on what’s really important to you.

Don’t go through life expecting things to change. Life becomes hard and unfair when we decide to complain about things rather than trying to change them ourselves. Wake up to the truth that life is not a practice-run.

Be bold and courageous, and make decisions that benefit your growth. Put yourself on your imaginary death-bed and realize that time stands still for no one. Start as soon as possible to make any necessary changes you may need to.

Take the first step before more time gradually passes by while you stand still stagnating. Your choice. Your life. Your responsibility. Your power.

3. Realize that you get to control your reactions.

We create our outside reality by the thoughts and beliefs we maintain about life in general. What we believe in our inner world, we see in our outer world—not the other way around.

We all have problems, and we’re often tested by circumstances outside of our control. Even though you may not be in control of what’s going on outside of you, you most definitely can control your reaction to those situations.

We have the power because our inner world (cause) affects the influence we allow the outer world (effect) to have on us. So next time you hear somebody mention that you have great personal power, know they are 100% correct. You have more control than you think.

4. Know that no one is better qualified.

We place far too much emphasis on other people’s opinions about us, often to the exclusion of our own. This takes away from our own personal power. No matter what anybody says about you, it doesn’t hold any significance to who you truly are unless you identify or agree with them.

Stop identifying with other people’s opinions and become aware of how you see yourself. Nobody knows you better than you do. Never accept another person’s reality as your own. Always believe that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. And, most importantly, never let another person’s opinion of you affect what you believe about yourself.

5. Believe that you are more than enough.

If you have to compare yourself to someone else, let it be a person who is less fortunate, and let it be a lesson to learn just how abundant your life truly is. It’s just a matter of perspective.

You may find that you are not entirely grateful for what you possess. You may believe that you need more than you have right now to be happy. If this is the case, then you are absolutely right—you will need more, and you will continue to need more.

This cycle will perpetuate as long as your mind believes it to be true. If you focus on what you have, and not on what you lack, you will always have enough, because you will always be enough.

6. Love yourself.

You have arrived. Everything you need is right here. Cut out the distractions, open your eyes, and see that you already have everything in your possession to be happy, loved, and fulfilled.

It’s not out there. It never was out there. It’s in the same place it was since the day you were born. It’s just been covered up by all the external things you have identified with over the years.

Be yourself. Love yourself completely and accept everything that you are. You are beautiful. Believe it, and most importantly, remind yourself often.

7. Stay cool.

If someone cuts us off in traffic or skips the queue at our local cinema, we may feel our blood pressure begin to rise and feel the need to react in a negative manner. We get uptight with other people’s actions, and in the end we punish ourselves for their bad behavior.

We end up losing control over our own actions because of the way other people act. But we are responsible for our own action, regardless of how rude other people may act. If it’s hard to stay cool, remember: you are the one who loses in the end, if you lose the lesson.

8. Journey well.

We know life is about the journey and not the arrival. We don’t need to arrive if we accept that we are already here.

Be content with where you are today and don’t make the mistake of putting off being happy because you are waiting for the right moment to shine. Sometimes it takes a conscious effort to enjoy the journey.

Not everyone woke up this morning and not everyone will go to bed tonight. Life has no guarantees. Every minute you are living is a blessing that has to be experienced in the moment. It’s not always easy, but it’s always an option—a choice. Your choice.

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