Withholding is a description of a trait found in self-absorbed people. These people have little regard for others. Many refer to stingy people as “takers” not “givers”. Their paucity of giving behaviors applies to emotions as well as materialistic behaviors. These people are by nature shallower and more envious of others. Feeling possessive of what they have satisfies their need for control. Stingy people tend to be negative and lack a sense of reciprocity. Stingy people are often cold and distant. They often lack the capacity for intimacy. Without a moral center, stingy people become adept at manipulation. Expecting too much from a stingy person is unwise.
Cheap, or rather frugal people are so because of different reasons. Some are frugal because of upbringing, some because of experience and some because they’re worried that they would be taken advantage of financially. The last set of people wouldn’t spend money unless they can make sure that they’re somehow “ safe”. – Rahul Ramabhadran

Stingy. Yuck. This is one of the least flattering words that can be used to describe someone. And rightly so. Stingy means not generous or liberal, sparing or scant in using or spending.
But what if I were to tell you that when it comes to personal finance, stinginess, in every positive angle of the word, could actually be the difference between you retiring comfortably or having to work well into your retirement years. It could be the parachute that could save you from endless (and mindless) spending on things that add no value to your life.

Compare stinginess to frugality: Read https://www.positivepsychology.org.ng/frugality-achieving-your-financial-goals-in-difficult-times
Stinginess is the opposite of generosity. While a generous person gives freely- often finding giving a pleasurable activity, a stingy person withholds and finds giving hard and uncomfortable. Though stinginess is commonly associated with money, it manifests in other areas too.
A stingy person is referred as a grasping old miser, especially, one who is extremely stingy with cash. While a generous person gives or lend freely and often finds giving a pleasurable activity, a stingy person withholds and finds giving hard and uncomfortable. While a generous person gives or lend freely and often finds giving a pleasurable activity, a stingy person withholds and finds giving hard and uncomfortable.

They take more and give less. They go to great lengths to ‘save’ money. Saving money is not a bad trait, but a stingy person sacrifices excessive amounts of time and energy just to save a little money. They take more and give less. They go to great lengths to ‘save’ money. Saving money is not a bad trait, but a stingy person sacrifices excessive amounts of time and energy just to save a little money.
They usually love borrowing stuff from other people instead of buying their own. And once they borrow things, they always conveniently forget to return them. Annoying, isn’t it?
Don’t be mistaken, stinginess is different from frugality which is an intelligent and efficient use of time, energy and resources.

Stingy people find it hard to give or lend money to others. They take more and give less. They go to great lengths to ‘save’ money. I’m not saying that saving money isn’t a good thing. But a stingy person sacrifices inordinate amounts of time and energy just to save a little money.
Forms of Stinginess
Though stinginess is commonly associated with money, it manifests in other areas too. The other common type of stinginess besides money and properties is emotional stinginess that denotes a person resists the need to share his emotions with people including those who are close to him.
This type of stinginess has a lot to do with fear of intimacy and the fear of being controlled. A person germinates the fear of intimacy for various reasons but the most common reason is not trusting people. This lack of trust can be traced back to past experiences where they trusted someone and the result was negative. Or they witnessed someone having such a negative experience.

For instance, a girl whose parents divorced and her father left her in the care of her mother might learn not to trust men. In her mind, men can leave you behind any time. Such a girl might always have trust issues with men and, therefore, she may prefer not to share her emotions with any man.
Stinginess and frugality
Stinginess is not the same as frugality. While frugality is an intelligent and efficient use of time, energy and resources, stinginess is a form of fear- a fear of not having enough. It motivates a person not to give away his possessions even if giving them away won’t cause them any problems.
What causes stinginess?
It’s usually a person’s past experiences that make them stingy. A child who grew up in a poor family may develop financial insecurity. They constantly witness their family members worrying about money, so they do it too.
Therefore, the primary reason why a person exhibits stinginess is that they feel insecure about money. This financial insecurity makes it hard for them to give away something that they ‘believe’ they lack.

I intentionally used the word ‘believe’ because the financial insecurity of a stingy person may either be real or perceived. Even though a person may have lots of money, they may still feel insecure deep down. Thus, they behave in a stingy manner.
Emotional stinginess
As I mentioned earlier, stinginess is not just about finances. A person may be stingy in other life areas too. The other common type of stinginess besides ‘money-and-possessions-stinginess’ is emotional stinginess.

By emotional stinginess, I mean that a person refuses to share his emotions with people including those who are close to him. Not sharing your emotions with people who don’t matter to you is understandable but why would a person not share their emotions with those who matter to them?
This type of stinginess has a lot to do with two fears- fear of intimacy and the fear of being controlled.

Stinginess and fear
A person develops the fear of intimacy for various reasons but the most common reason is not trusting people. This lack of trust can be traced back to past experiences where they trusted someone and the consequence was negative. Or they witnessed someone having such a negative experience.
For instance, a girl whose parents divorced and her father left her in the care of her mother might learn not to trust men. In her mind, men can leave you behind any time. Such a girl might always have trust issues with men and, therefore, she may prefer not to share her emotions with any man and develop a belief that “men aren’t trustworthy”.
A person who fears being controlled doesn’t like to share their emotions, even with those close to them. They feel that it would make them vulnerable. According to them, if they open themselves up to others, they’ll be manipulated easily and their emotional weaknesses will come to the fore.

They think that if they display their love for someone, the latter would develop expectations of being loved by them. That someone would start demanding more love and attention from them, therefore controlling them in the process. Stinginess is a form of fear. A fear of not having enough. It motivates a person not to give away his possessions even if giving them away won’t cause them any problems.
Looking back, could it be that Charles Dickens understood the predicament of being greedy and stingy when he wrote his famous classic story novel “A Christmas Carols” on December 19, 1843? Accordingly, Scrooge may have had a good reason for being stingy after all. He knew what economic hardship was like, and that shaped the person he became.
Could this really be the reason Scrooge held on to his money? Was this why he got especially irritated when people blow their savings on Christmas? Could this even be why his relationship with Belle fell apart? He feared raising children in poverty?
The primary reason why a person displays stinginess is that he feels insecure about money which makes it hard for him to give away something that he thinks he lacks because even though a person may have lots of money, he may still feel insecure deep down.
Fear of being controlled is another factor.
It is a common fear because as children we all have been controlled in one way or the other by our parents. For some, this control wasn’t much of a problem. Those who felt it threatened their freedom developed a fear of being controlled by others.

Cons of stingy living
Living this lifestyle is about balance, and sometimes when overdone can cause disadvantages. Here are a couple of reasons why stingy living can be difficult.
Being misunderstood
Life isn’t lived in a vacuum. Inevitably, you’ll have to make financial decisions that involve friends and family, and your new approach to money may not be taken warmly. Under such scenarios, what can you do? What often helps is managing expectations upfront.
A classic example that I have encountered quite a few times myself is around eating out for a friend’s birthday or another celebratory event. When you’re with a big group, you’ll often find that some people come prepared to splurge and will order bottles of wine and a full 3-course meal.
If you’re not planning to spend much, it may be wise to have a quick conversation on the side with the host letting them know that you’re excited to attend the dinner and that you’re looking to stay within the cost of your meal.
That way, when the bill comes, and someone who you don’t know is put in charge of splitting the bill, your host can set boundaries on how the bill should be handled.
Taking it all too far
As with anything else in life, stinginess, when done in excess, could negatively impact your level of enjoyment of your day-to-day routine and your social interactions. It can lead to self-denial and missed opportunities to meet and fellowship with others, all in the name of being frugal.
Wisdom must be exercised, and strong consideration should be made on what you value and what you’re willing to do without.
A person who fears being controlled doesn’t like to share his emotions, even with those close to him. He feels that it would make him vulnerable.
According to him, if he opens himself up to others, he will be wangled easily and his emotional weaknesses will come to the fore. A relationship in which both or either of the partners is emotionally stingy – they don’t share their true emotions – is unlikely to be an intimate one.
Meanwhile, having money is just as crucial as we are naturally and innately determined by survival instincts. Unsurprisingly, a convergence between the two – friendship and money – is inevitable, and more often than not, leave us with very tough circumstances and situations, especially when dealing with stingy or freeloading mooches.
A relationship in which both or either of the partners is emotionally stingy- they don’t share their true emotions- is unlikely to be an intimate one.
Here are several ways to deal with friends of that nature without putting too much strain on the friendship:
- Granted, it will be difficult to confront friend especially if he gets defensive. However there is no other way to go about it without letting this friend be aware that you are uncomfortable with his money habits or stinginess.
- While it may take time for him to address your concerns, you can save yourself from being taken advantage of by suggesting activities that require little to no money and turn down his invitations to pricey restaurants.
- If the same problems persist six months down the road when you have given him one too many chances to be a decent friend and when the friendship does not bring you joy whatsoever but only begins to make you feel drained, used or stressed upon, it’s time to re-evaluate the relationship.
- Don’t criticize your friend in public. Any heated confrontation done in public can be humiliating and even more so when money is involved. It simply gets exacerbated when you know other people are peering over, eavesdropping on the drama and anticipating a possible cat fight.
- Last but not least, no matter how you choose to approach this sticky situation, beware that once a friendship becomes infinitely damaged, it is nearly impossible to patch things up afterwards.
Read about frugality>> https://www.positivepsychology.org.ng/frugality-achieving-your-financial-goals-in-difficult-times