16 Core Values of Culture For Nigeria to be Great Again

As Nigeria celebrate 63rd independence today, read this article to learn about the sixteen major core values of culture to make Nigeria great again. These values are :- 1. Individualism 2. Cleanliness 3. Languages 4. Achievements 5. Work 6. Pleasure and Holidays 7. Morality and Sex 8. The Value of Morality 9. Value of Time 10. Problems and Solutions, etc.

Palacio Acosta, the Director of Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría, painted in his article titled ’A country without values or principles’ a picture of the sorry state of Columbia as a country on the verge of value collapse. His write-up could well describe Nigeria. Columbia is better than Nigeria as at now. Colombia has a GDP per capita of $14,400 as of 2017, while in Nigeria, the GDP per capita is $5,900 as of 2017. In Colombia, 9.3% of adults are unemployed as of 2017. In Nigeria, that number is 16.5% as of 2017. In Colombia, approximately 83.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2017. In Nigeria, 917.0 women do so as of 2017. In Colombia, the literacy rate was 95.1% as of 2018. In Nigeria, it is 62.0% as of 2018. In Colombia, approximately 12.3 children die before they reach the age of one, as of 2020. In Nigeria, on the other hand, 59.8 children do so as of 2020. As of 2017, approximately 99% of people in Colombia have access to electricity (100% in urban areas and 96% in rural areas). In Nigeria, that number is 59% of people on average (86% in urban areas and 41% in rural areas) as of 2017. In Colombia, approximately 62.3% of the population has internet access as of 2018. In Nigeria, about 42.0% do as of 2018. In Colombia, approximately 97% of people have improved drinking water access (100% in urban areas and 86% in rural areas) as of 2017. In Nigeria, that number is 78% of people on average (93% in urban areas and 64% in rural areas) as of 2017.

Nigeria has been facing multiple situations occurring nationally, such as corruption at every individual and collective level; the inequities present in fundamental rights such as education, health, and justice; and conflicts between government institutions, leading to a dynamic where there is a lack of articulation and thus no ability to appeal for collective well-being. The impression that many of us have is that we have entered into a “collective feeling” whereby we are lacking the basics needed to live and build “healthy communities” that support a society with vast socio-economic problems (Acosta, 2022).

Analyzing the root of the problem brings us face-to-face with individuals who lack the most basic values: loyalty, solidarity, honesty, and empathy, to name but a few. The social distortion that led us to live for decades in a “mafia culture” that upheld and introduced concepts such as “the end justifies the means”, “money represents success as both a goal and symbol of power”, “power is achieved by walking over people” and “survival of the fittest”.

These elements prompt us to ask how we can return to the road towards a fair and supportive society, where people prioritise public interests over individual ones, can share responsibilities and build as part of a team, are honest with themselves and others, and empathetic and understanding of the “suffering of others”. This “road” should be defined through the capacity to educate subjects on values that allow them to be resilient and participative in society.

Values education is one of the major challenges faced by Nigerian society. From early childhood to adulthood, organisations and social institutions—from the family to the school—should reflect in this sense, worrying more about “being” than “knowing”; skills to live adaptively should take precedence over acquiring knowledge.

Top 16 Core Values of Culture

According to Diksha Kashyap, there are certain core values that are part of most cultures, such as freedom of speech, faith, profession, desire to excel, enjoy a more comfortable life, desire for material products, and recognition of achievements, but at the same time, there are many values that differ from country to country, like the concept of beauty, materialism versus spiritualism, respect for elders, affection to family, system of marriage and personal laws, bonds and relations with parents, brothers, and sisters, concept of fashion, body exposure allowed to women, quality of sex, freedom of education, and profession for women; concern for the future also differs from nation to nation. Racial differences in culture and practice, food habits, work, rest, enjoyment, and marital relations differ widely from country to country, profession to profession, concern for the environment, protection, and unforeseen extents.

This has given consumers concern for their rights; the value of time, functions, and festivals also differ widely, having a great influence on consumer behaviour. Language, history, general behaviour, freedom of sex also differ widely. These and other cross-cultural differences act and react to each other, and in certain respects, the world is becoming one big global market.

WTO agreement and freedom for cross-country trade, fast developments in technology, information technology, communication, and transportation is making the world one market, and there are faster reductions of cultural differences.

Still, marketers is required to approach different markets differently in terms of products and advertising strategies. Colour choice, packing, quality, and price for different markets have to be segregated based on culture; the same strategy cannot succeed in every market.

Though certain cultural factors are common to all countries, there are other attributes that differ widely from country to country, like beliefs, languages, food habits, concepts of beauty, and attitudes. Unless marketers properly take these facts into consideration, they may lose the market rather than increase its share, in spite of the fact that technological changes, especially developments in information technology, high-speed airplanes, and fast communications, have made the world very close and small.

One can send and receive massages in a few seconds across the world; markets have become globalized through the internet and e-commerce; and one can reach any part of the globe in a few hours, but cultural differences persist. Every one prefers his own food, his own religion, his own art, and language; hence, markets remain segregated.

Even in case of global brands, some differentiation becomes necessary in the product, and the same advertisement does not suit all markets, largely because of different meanings of some words in different languages.

1. Individualism:

Everywhere, one looks to self-satisfaction and individual goals, which are more deeply rooted in countries like India where entire philosophy is based on self; salvation depends upon ones actions and deeds but even in family relations, Americans, Canadians, or Japanese are more individualistic, i.e. they look to oneself, children after attaining the age of 13 start looking to self and as soon as one settles in life he/she deserts the parents and look to his or her family.

They are not properly cared for in old age, the children do not feel their responsibility to look after their parents. For similar reasons, there are a lot of divorces in the West. By and large they feel that their point of view must be accepted, and they look for more personal comforts.

It is felt by Americans, Canadians or most Europeans that life is for comfort, for which they think that it is their right to have things that work with a minimum of labour and effort and those that are automatic and less time-consuming so that more time may be available for pleasure. Marketers in those countries have to develop new products and better products for comfort; they want push-button products.

Contrary to the above thoughts, in Africa and Asia, personal comforts and automatic products are also wanted, but it seems it is not because of cultural factors but economic factors and lack of information and knowledge about new and latest products. If one cannot afford a particular product or service, it does not mean that he does not want it. Therefore, all over the world, there is increasing demand of products of comfort, and everyone is becoming more materialistic.

Now, even saints want certain comforts that they are supposed to forego, but they preach salvation, and they are individualistic from that angle. However, they preach others to become pious and sacrifice for society; therefore, theiety of the east is less individualistic.

2. Cleanliness:

People of U.S.A., Canada, Japan, Australia are more concerned about cleanliness, which is considered next to God, but people in Africa or Asia are not that conscious of cleanliness. Hence, an American, Canadian, European or Australian wants products for personal and house cleanliness; they want more clean food, restaurants, hotels, better sanitary toilets, and so on. Because of these factors different countries who want to attract them have to meet these requirements.

They, by nature, like a clean environment, but people of Africa and Asia are less concerned with cleanliness. But this difference is actually not a cultural difference; economic factors and lack of knowledge are responsible for it.

3. Languages:

The language differences are less in America or Canada as all of them speak English. But in India, Africa and Asia there are many languages that are much different from each other, and certain words have quite different meanings in different languages. Hence, marketers, even for international brands like Coke, Pepsi, and many other products, have to be very careful in releasing advertisements, and it is very problematic to have one international publicity campaign.

4. Achievements:

Personal achievements and success, whether as a scientist, technocrat, sportsman, artists, educationalist, orbusinessman,n is a matter of great pride and prestige. Therefore, they are always busy making efforts for vision and mission. Persons of achievement are actually honoured and respected all over the world, but Americans are more fussy and make greater efforts to achieve higher and higher goals. Because of this instinct, more inventions and research have been done in U.S.A. but gradually, many other countries like India and China are achieving more in scientific fields and in sports. American achievements are often measured in terms of material achievements. Hence, a popular mart wall street opened “In America, greed is good”.

5. Work:

Since Americans want to achieve something they take work more seriously and sincerely than many other nations. They work very hard for five days and enjoy Saturdays and Sundays but in America often socialization is also work related.

6. Pleasure and Holidays:

In U.S.A., people work 40 hours a week, and rest of the time they enjoy outings, which has created demand for many services like travel, resorts, and hotels. In Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia, too much value is placed on comfort and pleasure. For instance, in Switzerland, there is a shortage of workers for the night shift, and workers come daily from Italy. It is only the affluent in Asia and Africa who spend time and money on pleasure and holidays, and the middle class mixes holidays with pilgrimage to holy places or visiting homes during the summer vacations of children.

7. Morality and Sex:

There are wide differences on sex and morality from country to country. The laws of America, Europe, Japan, Australia, and India provide equal opportunity of education and work to ladies and gents. However, there are certain social, cultural, and religious restrictions on their education and work.

Even today in India, everyone wants at least one male child, and in rural India, girls are not given the same opportunities for learning, but in West Japan and Australia, there are no such taboos and restrictions. The Western world, including Americans, believes in polarized morality and sex, except for top politicians. As per various studies, pre-marriage and post-marriage sex is increasing in number, and there are also cases where couples stay together without marriage.

The value placed on female body exposure varies by region. While western world permits even full exposure and accordingly fashion and garments are influenced. But in Arab countries, ladies should not expose any part of the body and accordingly dress.

In Africa and Asia in those who are Christians or Hindus, there is a mixed code and ethics for dresses, but gradually they are being influenced by cross-cultural differences. In urban areas in India, the dress code is changing, and so is in the East and some other countries.

8. The Value of Morality:

The value of morality differs from country to country which has to be kept in view by advertisers. The sex appeal in ads is not being given same importance as before.

Business morality also differs a lot. In many countries, sale force is expected to offer gifts to promote sales but in North America, most corporations “have policies that severely restrict or totally exclude the acceptance of gifts”. But even then, corporations often give gifts and sometimes cash to purchasers. However, accepting gifts is more prevalent in poor countries.

9. Value of Time:

In America, the U.K., Japan, etc., people are punctual, and activities are held on schedule. But in India and many other countries, it is fashionable to be late in social functions and marriages, but Americans are irritated if one misses appointment or arrives late; the same applies to delivery.

In the U.S.A. or Japan, delivery must be strictly as per schedule; otherwise, food or service will not be accepted because it disturbs all their plans. The same is the culture in many other countries. But there are many African and Asian countries for whom time is less valuable, and they do not keep to it.

10. Problems and Solutions

Americans believe that every problem has a solution and therefore it must be identified when any problem is faced. There is tendency in many countries to form a committee to find a solution like India where sometimes committees are formed to postpone the problem.

11. Efforts:

Effort is rewarded, competition is encouraged and achievement is paramount. Entrepreneurship is result of these values. They have optimism much more than in some other cultures and spirit of competition much more than in east and in the socialistic countries, but in some countries it is not every thing, someone will win and some one will loose. This spirit encourages to continue to make efforts and achieve ones mission.

12. Conquering Attitude:

In Hinduism nature and people are one and human being has to act as god wants but Americans have an attitude to conquer nature. Because of this spirit they have come out and succeeded and many researches have been carried out. The attitude to conquer nature is one of the belief that man is supreme, and different than other forms of life on the universe.

They, therefore, feel that problems which are in existence in nature can be solved like shortage or surplus of water, extreme heat and coldness through research. Therefore, constantly new products are being developed and bought like medicines and cosmetics for keeping people young and to control diseases and capture nature.

13. Human Terrorism:

All religions preach to be kind to other fellows who are in distress and victims of natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, droughts, floods, and diseases. When there was an earthquake in Gujarat, ex- president of the U.S.A. visited the affected areas.

However, this attribute is magnified in the U.S.A.; people of other countries also have similar cultures to help people in distress; the only difference seems to be that in U.S.A., help is more organized and institutionalised through trusts, etc whereas people of some other countries give charity for their personal name.

14. Youthfulness:

Americans are young at heart and have a youthful appearance, which stimulates demand for products that help one look and remain young. For the same reasons, they participate in sports more and are more health-conscious than people in many developing countries.

The indifference between physical fitness and youthfulness, however, is not the culture of any country, but economic circumstances make it so. However, it is certain that in countries where people want to remain young and look young, there is demand of many cosmetics, personal health care items, tonics, and foods that help give energy.

15. Equality and Liberty:

Equality and liberty have been provided in the constitutions of a large number of countries, but in America, the value of equality and liberty is practiced more. However, Americans do not believe in subordination, royalty, rich and poor, and everyone enjoys equal freedom and liberty to come up.

People who get advantages without earning them are disliked, and therefore, people who have inherited wealth are not taken into high esteem. This attitude greatly influences personality and behaviour and they give equal opportunity to products made by any one which satisfies their demand efficiently and do not favour or disfavour any producers, race or ethnic group. But it is the fact that black citizens do not feel themselves equal in spite of all laws. Still it seems that equality is much more in U.S.A. than in many other countries.

16. Values of Beauty:

Fashion parades, Miss Universe, Miss World, and like are concepts of beauty to encourage women to look better. However, what is beauty cannot be defined. While a slim body and fair complexion is considered measures of beauty in most countries, in certain African countries, fat ladies are considered beautiful.

Most people measure beauty by the colour of skin, but many American ladies tan their skin by applying certain lotions and going to the beach, while in other countries, including India many products to make skin fair, smooth, and glowing are advertised and marketed.

In conclusion, it may be stated that basic core values are narrowing down in various countries through cultural interaction, which has been made easy by revolution in transport, communication, and information technology, but still, there are a lot of cultural differences for which markets will have to be segregated.




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