Life is Uncertain, Unpredictable, Life is Ephemeral; Life is a Gift

Man in the world lodging for a single lifetime passes suddenly like dust borne on the wind. Then let us hurry out with high steps and be the first to reach the highways and fords: Rather than stay at home wretched and poor for long years plunged in sordid grief. – Ancient Chinese poem

We are such stuff

As dreams are made on,

and our little life Is rounded with a sleep.

As the fallow leaf of the tree falls to the ground when its days are gone,

even so the lives of men (come to a close).
Gautama, be careful all the while.

As a dew drop dangling from the tip of a blade of kusa grass lasts but a short time, even so the lives of men.

Gautama, be careful all the while.
A rare chance in the long course of time is human birth fora living thing. Hard are the consequences of action.

Gautama, be careful all the while.
Though one believes in the law, one will rarely practise it,for people are engrossed in pleasures.

Gautama, be careful all the while.
Excerpt from Mahavira to his disciple, Acharanga Sutra

Life is ephemeral

Life is ephemeral. Isn’t it?

Sahib Baweja said, life isn’t exactly ephemeral. Living for 80 years on average is a long time. It looks short to us because during our 30s we are so busy with so much that we forget to realise how time is flying by. By the time we reach our 50s, we have already lost a lot of energy on providing our families and friends with what we can. As we reach our 60s, we don’t have energy anymore. We rely on our kids, our families, and our pension as we hit the retirement stage. We are left with nothing but a sense of waiting. We are waiting for death to come up to us.

Derived from the Greek term ‘ephēmeros’, which means ‘lasting only a day’, ephemeral is often used to describe something short-lived, transient, or fleeting. But is that all there is to it? Is there more to ‘ephemeral’ than its dictionary definition? Let’s journey deeper into the essence of this intriguing word. Imagine a delicate cherry blossom tree, its branches heavy with the blush of spring. Yet, within a few days, the petals start to wilt, eventually falling away, leaving behind the stark branches. This transient burst of beauty, as fleeting as it may be, leaves a lasting impression, etching a sense of poignant beauty in our minds. This is the essence of the ephemeral – it reminds us that not all things are meant to last, and there is beauty to be found in the fleeting moments.

Ephemeral moments are sprinkled throughout our lives. The first ray of sunlight that graces the morning sky, the laughter that lights up a room, or even the first flush of love – they may not last forever, but their transience does not lessen their impact.

Consider the story of Anne, a woman who found profound joy in ephemeral moments. Anne was a birdwatcher who loved the thrill of spotting a rare bird, cherishing the few seconds she had before it fluttered away. The joy was not in the possession of the moment but in experiencing it, no matter how fleeting.

Then there is Sam, a young photographer who loved to capture ephemeral moments. Whether it was the fleeting smile on a stranger’s face or the last leaf falling from a tree in autumn, Sam’s photographs reveled in the beauty of transience, reminding us that it is often the fleeting moments that touch us the deepest.

Even in the realm of ideas and trends, the concept of the ephemeral is present. Remember the famous hula-hoop craze or the recent trend of fidget spinners? They swept across the globe, capturing everyone’s attention, only to disappear as quickly as they had appeared. Despite their ephemeral nature, they left behind memories and experiences that are often remembered with a sense of nostalgia.

The beauty of the term ‘ephemeral’ lies not in the transience it signifies, but in the value it adds to those fleeting moments. It serves as a gentle reminder that some things, while not permanent, are still worth cherishing. The fleeting nature of these moments does not diminish their value; instead, it amplifies their beauty.

However, understanding and embracing the ephemeral is not always easy. We, as humans, often seek permanence, stability, and certainty in our lives. Yet, it is essential to remember that it is the ephemeral nature of life that makes it precious. Just like the fleeting bloom of the cherry blossom tree, the transience of our experiences makes them truly special.

The ephemeral is more than just a word or concept. It’s a perspective, a way of life. It invites us to live in the moment, to appreciate the transient beauty around us, and to understand that permanence is not the only measure of value. The real magic often lies in those fleeting, ephemeral moments, and it is up to us to embrace and cherish them.

We have understood that the word is more than its dictionary meaning. It is a reflection of life itself – fleeting, transient, yet undeniably beautiful.

Life is so transient and ephemeral; we will not be here after a breath. So think better, think deeply, think with kindness, and write it with love so that it may live a little longer.— Debasish Mridha

Life is a gift

Life is a gift, and we are gifted to the world from the womb of our mother, and we experience the vibrant colors of life while spreading ours. Looking at life through the lens of a child, you would only find happiness and a zeal to explore without boundaries, where everything is possible and all that matters is love. As part of growing up, we get so absorbed in the rut of world (and not life) that we forget to look through this lens.

It is disheartening to think that humans value things until the point of owning or losing them, and the value is easily forgotten while they still hold them. Life is one such gift that will be gone in the blink of an eye, making it important for us to awaken and realize its value while we are still alive.

Fortunately or unfortunately, life is that gift that comes with a completion date, leaving it up to us to make it an invaluable time while we’re around. At this point, you may want to ask yourself a few questions:

· What is the purpose of my life?

· What do I want to be remembered for?

· What is the legacy I would like to pass on to the world (world here may mean family, friends, colleagues, or any part of the society that you want to impact)

. What do you want to be remembered for?

. What are the top 5 things you are grateful for today? May be it is time to make a list and express it to those who matter.

The beauty of asking oneself such questions is that answers start to germinate on their own. Our mind is so beautiful that it reveals the answers when asked. And once you have the answer, make each moment of your life count and weave a new story for your life. The story that you write today for yourself may become someone’s tomorrow; it may empower and enlighten another and provide strength to someone.

It is time to unwind, learn to cherish, and live each moment of life like the next one doesn’t exist. It is time to loosen up and be childlike, who has no dimension of time and finds boundless joy, and each moment is that of discovery.

Let us experience living life in the current moment, and all that we will discover is love, joy, peace, and harmony. In doing so, the lines of perfection get blurred, and we embrace ourselves and others completely with both perfection and imperfection. After all, heads and tails are two sides of the same coin, and that’s what really makes it a complete coin. Similarly, we are complete with perfections & imperfections, love and hate, joy and sadness, good and bad. And that’s what really makes us humans.

Let us express kindness towards ourselves first by literally hugging this gift that was gifted by a mother to the world and letting go of our judgments, prejudices, and doubts. This gift of life is one to rejoice & celebrate, to enjoy the love of our loved ones, to dream and live our dreams, to contribute and be contributed.

The past is a memory, the future is an untold story, and all that exists is now. Let us conquer the now and be grateful for all that and to all those who’ve contributed to our lives.

So, Live Life while you have it is because life is ephemeral yet a gift.

As we wrap up this article, let us carry forth the essence of ‘ephemeral’ in our hearts. Let us appreciate the fleeting moments and cherish the beauty they hold. After all, life is a beautiful collage of such ephemeral moments, each one precious in its own way. Let it remind you of the transient beauty around you, and more importantly, let it guide you to cherish these fleeting moments.

In the world of words, every word is a journey, every word is an adventure, and with ‘ephemeral’, we have embarked on a beautiful journey indeed.

This article is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Audu Micheal Jimoh (1971-2023), a dear friend and colleague at University of Ibadan. May his gentle soul rest in peace.


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One Reply to “Life is Uncertain, Unpredictable, Life is Ephemeral; Life is a Gift”

  1. Wow that was strange. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Regardless, just wanted to say fantastic blog!

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