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Professor Adebayo David Oluwole possesses a Bachelor of Education degree in Counselling/Language Arts, a Master's degree, and a doctorate in Applied and Counselling Psychology (all from University of Ibadan, Nigeria). He joined the service of University of Ibadan in 2005. He has served in various capacities.
Aside being a therapist and a teacher, Professor Adebayo Oluwole is a happyologist and Chief Consultant at Positive Psychology & Educational Consult. The consortium provides training, a counselling clinic, and a blog - which serves as a clearinghouse for psychological resources on happiness and other meta-needs to optimally engage in life and make a meaningful living.
He has served as a consultant, resource person and facilitator of training for several private and public institutions in Nigeria, such as the West African Examinations Council, Federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Abuja, Non-Academic Staff Union of Allied and Education Institutions (NASU), NPMSC, Nigerian Ports Authority, Oyo, Ogun, Lagos, Ondo and Ekiti States, Universal Basic Education Board, and Agro-Processing, Agricultural Productivity Enhancement and Livelihood Improvement Support (a Federal Government of Nigeria FGN-World Bank Assisted programme), among others.
He is a member of various professional associations such as the Positive Psychology Association of Nigeria, Counselling Association of Nigeria, Health Promotion Research Association of Nigeria (HEPRAN), Nigerian Psychological Association, and the Emerald Literati Network
He has supervised 85 undergraduate Projects, 55 master degree dissertations and 14 PhD theses till date.
Professor Adebayo Oluwole is the founder and current President of the Positive Psychology Association of Nigeria. He has over 70 articles in peer-reviewed local and international journals and textbooks. He is the Chief Editor of the Journal of Positive and Counselling Psychology, and the Business Editor of the Nigerian Journal of Applied Psychology.
He is happily married, and the union is blessed with children.
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