Unlocking the hidden formula: How parental involvement becomes the secret catalyst for unstoppable academic achievements. Image courtesy of PhotoMIX Company via Pexels Table of Contents Unlocking…
See More The Secret Sauce to Academic Success: The Power of Parental InvolvementCategory: Self Improvement
Positive mental health tips and toolkits is based on principles of positive psychology according to Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology. Positive psychology as a scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and societies to thrive. This area is based on the belief that people want to live a meaningful and satisfying life, to plant what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work and play. The scientific study of optimal human performance which aims to discover and strengthen the factors that allow individuals and societies to flourish.
Understanding a Meaningful Life
By Joshua Hicks, Frank Martela and Ephrat Livni A meaningful life is associated with positive functioning: life satisfaction, enjoyment of work, happiness, general positive affect, hope, and in general,…
See More Understanding a Meaningful LifeTHEORY OF CONSTRAINTS (TOC)
No matter what industry you work in, there is often scope for boosting overall performance. A great way of doing this is to identify and…